Proliferation of Health Conscious Home Food Delivery?

Return of the Milk Man

For those of us that have memories of living in a house that had a small wooden compartment near the side door, we asked our parents… what is this for?

“They delivered milk to your home? Seriously?”

A growing trend of home delivery for food has been booming over the past two years. If Amazon can drop off a book and some gadgets, why can’t Sally sell smoothies through sweet social strategies straight to your stoop? (I tried)

The trend I’m seeing has to do with health conscious, time-strapped individuals who don’t want to sacrifice their busy daily routines to make a better choice in dining.

  • Juice cleanses
  • Paleo diets
  • Organic produce
  • Farm fresh meat and poultry
  • Nut milks

And that’s just the beginning.


What’s going to make these business succeed over others? Aside from having a solid product and adhering to food production and handling standards, my guess would be the following:

Great Brand Identity

A targeted brand with a straight forward message. It doesn’t have to be a cure-all, even if it is. People don’t always buy based on the benefits of a product; some don’t buy on features and benefits at all. How do cigarettes improve your life?

Social Media

Strong social media management that “gets” the demographic. Nice brands need a champion and voice that embodies everything the product and brand are about. Someone with essential knowledge that can react and interact throughout the conversation.

Local Supply Chain

Fantastic local vendors and proper supply chain management: this is going to be of vital importance as many small to medium enterprises are not equipped with the software and programs to track and maintain inventory and distributions channels all that well.

Timely Order Processing and Shipping

There are many tools out there for businesses to get a jump start on taking tender and managing orders but there are several hurdles that don’t come straight out of the box on most commerce platforms. Things like: bounding delivery location, local delivery and schedule management (Delivering yourself? You don’t want to be driving across two cities only to get the order wrong. UPS, FED EX, etc.)

As huge fans of these ventures and the branding agency of record with a number in the marketplace, we look forward to seeing more and more local business develop and thrive in the coming years.

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